Support Circles and Family Services


Mental Models of Life in Poverty

Working your way out of poverty can be incredibly difficult. Sometimes it is caused by poor choices but often it is caused by bad circumstances, limited resources and broken systems. But when folks have protected time and space and appropriate support - they can change the trajectory of their lives!

These pictures show the drawings made by two individuals who were on a journey out of poverty. They show the sense of hopelessness that is frequently felt on the journey.

In Angie’s mental model of poverty you can see she feels like just a number - with people judging and laughing at her. What is she dreaming of? The same thing you and I want. A better future for her children, a home, reliable transportation and not to rely on any agencies. Angie now owns her own business and is flourishing building a better future for herself, her daughters and her grandson!

In Dana’s mental model you see what sometimes feels like futility - climbing, falling back the beginning and yet you see her resilience in that she knows she needs to keep working for her dreams.

the data shows that families wo are working their way out of poverty, lose access to critical services before they can afford to frequently leaving them in worse circumstances the harder they work. Fortunately, our community has risen to the challenge helping us create effective community solutions that start to build a bridge to stability. We could not do this work with our support from our community!

In SCCAP’s Family Services and Circles programs we help folks become agents of Change in their own lives. Program Highlights:

  • This year we helped more than 1,400 families remain in their home, keep their utilities on, receive child care supports and get back to work as they recover from the impacts of COVID.

  • We were able to help more than 740 landlords and property management companies meet their mortgage obligations and take car of their property costs.

  • 80% of the children of families enrolled in Support Circles program go on to college or secondary education leading to higher paying jobs.

  • 15 of our Circles families have purchased houses including two families who came to Circles when they were homeless.

  • Half of those enrolled in Circles move completely off all government benefits within three years.


Karen’s home

Karen came to Circles after being invited by a friend. She had been working hard for a long time but it just did not feel like things were getting better. Karen had two daughters, one born to her an the second, her sister’s daughter who she took in and raised as her own when her sister passed away. She wanted more for them and more for herself.

“Circles,” Karen said, “was a place where she could take the time she needed to figure out what she wanted for her future. It was good to be around other people who didn’t judge you, people who understood the struggle and wanted you to do well. She knew she wanted a better future for her daughters and she wanted a house, a place of their own.

Karen began working on her credit. At 540, she had a long way to go but she got a better understanding of how to improve it and had a goal in mind. During that journey, she became very ill and was off work for many months as she recovered. Fortunately she was a great worker and her job held her position. and as soon as Karen was able she began working on her goals. But Karen had a goal and she wasn’t letting anything get in her way. As her credit improved she began looking for a home. She is a woman of faith and she knew the right house was out there.

When Karen found the house of her dreams, she knew it. It was perfect for them and she was elated when she was able to secure the loan and purchase the home. It shows her daughters what is possible. “Never give up on your dreams,” Karen said as she shared her story. Now she is working on building her business while working full time and she knows she can build on her current success!.

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Rising Phoenix Awards

What does it take to move from poverty to long term stability. A plan, determination, appropriate support and a lot of hard work! Each year SCCAP honors individuals who have risen to the challenge and fought their way our out. Named by individuals, the Rising Phoenix is an apt description of the efforts it takes on the journey to long term success. Pictured here are Chrissy, Betsy, and Jenine all who worked hard to move off of unstable government programs into long term stability!