2019-2020 Gratitude Report


A Thank You From Megan


It’s hard to put into words the deep sense of gratitude I have in this moment. Last year so many people supported our shelters to help keep them open to serve families experiencing homelessness. At the same time, volunteers and donors did not forget our other programs, allowing them to thrive. Then came COVID 19. The world turned upside down, got messy and complex. We quickly adapted to meet needs in safe, new ways. Amidst the fear and worry, I have been inspired by the innovation of my staff and the incredible caring and support from our amazing communities. Thank you all for a fantastic 2019. And now, as we walk through the challenges of 2020, I am so grateful that we can work with all of you to make sure that this difficult time leaves no family in our community behind.

With deep appreciation,

Megan Shreve, SCCAP’s CEO

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Dakari’s Story

Dakari has been going to Support Circles since she was in middle school. Her favorite parts were always having dinner, trying new foods, and learning new things. The children’s program helped Dakari move out of being shy and stand-offish to being able to talk and interact more with others. She struggled with learning differences that made school really tough.  But in eleventh grade, when it almost seemed hopeless, Dakari was allowed to be part of an alternative program that catered to her learning skills.

Home Sweet Home

Among the many things that can bring people together, two of the most powerful are stories and the sweet taste of pie.  In 2019 SCCAP’s Adams County Homeless Shelter was in danger of closing due to a 73% budget cut at the federal level. When we put out a call for help it was answered by a small army of determined community members. On June 26, a planning committee met for the first time to discuss what could be done. They knew the value that the shelter brings to our community, but how could they communicate that to their neighbors?

Total Revenue $8,250,852*

Total EXPENDITURES $8,102,430*

*Expenses and revenues are based on an annual June 30th end date.  Some program budgets continue through September and December.

This year at SCCAP…


To give to SCCAP

Click here or complete a check to SCCAP and mail to:

153 N. Stratton St, Gettysburg, PA 17325


Members at Large:

Lou Cowles

Alice Elia

Carrie Gray

Julia Lehman

Larry Miller Susan Naugle

Marty Qually

Cara Russo

Rod Shoop

Joyce Shutt

Jocelyn Swigger

SCCAP’s Board of Directors

President : Bard Shollenberger

Vice President : Rochelle Plummer

Secretary : Donna Kriger

Treasurer : Richard A Harley

The Board of Directors of SCCAP is committed to ensuring the highest level of organizational effectiveness, stewardship, openness and transparency. We are grateful for the generosity of our volunteers, donors, and funders, and the dedication of our staff and partners. Working together we are building vibrant communities where everyone can thrive! 

- Bard Shollenberger, SCCAP Board President