Home Sweet Home


Among the many things that can bring people together, two of the most powerful are stories and the sweet taste of pie.  In 2019 SCCAP’s Adams County Homeless Shelter was in danger of closing due to a 73% budget cut at the federal level. When we put out a call for help it was answered by a small army of determined community members. On June 26, a planning committee met for the first time to discuss what could be done. They knew the value that the shelter brings to our community, but how could they communicate that to their neighbors?  

Then an idea struck them—what if their friends and neighbors could not only hear about how great the SCCAP shelter is, but to see, touch, and even taste it? 

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One month later, the “Home Sweet Home” fundraiser hosted over 200 people.  With a $10 donation, participants enjoyed locally donated baked goods, while touring the shelter and having a chance to see many of the other programs SCCAP offers. Tours were provided by former shelter residents. A local donor matched donations made to the Adams County Homeless Shelter up to $10,000. The event met the match and an additional donor gave $25,000. Wellspan Gettysburg Hospital Foundation then committed funds to fill the remaining gap—keeping the shelter open to serve families.

When reflecting on the event, our CEO Megan Shreve shared,

“Knowing that folks care for you when you are having a difficult time means so much. When we doubt our ability, when we can’t see the light, others can shine and show us the way. Each of you who donated, wrote letters, baked pies, matched gifts, and filled in the funding gap, supported SCCAP and gave families experiencing homelessness a safe place to rebuild their lives.”